The magazine has been printed!!  The students at CVS LOVED IT!!  Now they need you to participate all year in the Legacy Future Leaders Scholarship Fund all year!!  You can donate to the Legacy Future Leaders Scholarship Fund!!  

Legacy Design Leaders, LLC  As a CVS Alumni, my company is starting a scholarship fund for graduating seniors. Soon your donations will be tax deductible! 

Click on the PayPal link to donate to the fund!!  We will be posting applications for CVS students to apply for scholarships soon!!

Marsha Y. Johnson
Legacy Design Leaders, LLC
CVS Alumni - Class of 1978

 The Palace

 Class of 1978

Special Events

If you want to view the 2017 Homecoming Commemorative magazine, click on the image above. 

If you want to have your own copy mailed to you,
click here
and send me your name and address!